Goethe University Frankfurt

As part of the outlined project, Goethe University will carry out the university-wide implementation of the standards that were evaluated and developed for appointing professors using a tenure-track system so as to provide an opportunity for early career development. It will thus identify and establish areas and forms of application for the occupation of such professorial positions for all departments. In doing so, the university will take a closer look at the field-specific differences in the establishment of a tenure-track system. The corresponding structures are designed, for example, by the university’s decision of principle and the tenure-track statutes. The following objectives link Goethe University to the university-wide embeddedness of the tenure-track system:

  1. The establishment of the opportunity for performance-based career advancement in an internationally established system as part of a strategy to increase the transparency and planning of academic careers.
  2. The creation of career prospects for qualified early career researchers, e.g. with Emmy Noether, Lichtenberg, ERC, Heisenberg or similar top-tier sponsors, by opening the doors to tenure opportunities in performance-based professorial careers.
  3. The advancement of equal opportunity through the active recruitment of international and, most especially, female scholars.
  4. The advancement of research and training in professional and interdisciplinary grey zones by offering young colleagues the opportunity to prove their professional abilities in interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research contexts, which is often called into question in procedures of classical appointment.
  5. A boost in the attractiveness of Goethe University through collaborations with non-university (research) partners by means of tenure-track opportunities available to junior research groups residing in the area.